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- pinnacle infra


Diwali brings back memories of #family, #friends, #sweets, #crackers and #cleaning.
This year, thanks to #covid19, many businesses were forced to pause and reflect. It provided us with an opportunity to free our time of operations and focus on the processes & systems we follow. Basically, time to #cleanup our act and to consolidate.

We at Pinnacle, a construction firm, have always been trying to digitize most of our processes, even before corona. We have an app for staff and labour attendance, expenses etc. We use Asana for project management & collaboration.
Now, we are more focused to being more efficient with the help of technology. With the help of our other business venture spynPRO, we intend to digitize most of our other processes as well.

What about you? How have you used the time?

Wish you a Happy Diwali and a Prosperous New Year!

Warm regards,

#HappyDiwali #newyear

The more control you have over your attention, the more control you have over your future.
#spynco #spynpro #academypro #facilitybookingapp #eventsapp #academymanagementapp
#stayfocussed #control #attention #meditation #yoga #mental #fitness #fridaymotivation #fridayquotes #morning


Football Training now Online on Thane City FC Apps.
Android is LIVE and iOS version in final stage of internal testing.

ddhi Doshi who is an Internationally Certified Parenting Coach spoke to us about modern parenting and share some amazing insights. The topics covered in this interview are:

1. Parenting in Modern Times
2. Tips for working parents
3. Children mirror their parents
4. Lockdown Effects on Parents' behavior
5. How to keep a Positive Environment around your child?

Video on our YouTube Channel.

Hi all,

We've been hard at work with our YouTube Page!

There are a lot of resources for you and your kids to reference and use throughout this lockdown period.

Check it out and feel free to send in some home videos of you attempting the drills!


Best Wishes,
Peter Hatzoglou
P2G Academy Director

Thank you #msdhoni, one of the best finishers the world of cricket has known!
Wishing you the best for your second innings.

#retired #cricket #cricketindia #india #dhoni #msdhoni #mahi #msd #spynpro

May Lord #Krishna steal away all your sorrows and bless you with happiness and success. Happy #Janmashtami

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